The Balance Of Objectivity And Subjectivity
There is another important duality in philosophy besides anthropocentricity and theocentricity and the material and spiritual, namely objectivity and subjectivity. These two philosophical aspects must be perfectly in balance as well. The rationalists think that through autonomous reason we can be mainly objective. We remain stuck with a bit of subjectivity due to inevitable ignorance. […]
The Faltering State of Creativity
The faltering state of creativity is suggestive of the current condition of societal interaction that lacks a profound sense of originality, imagination and vision. That is only the starting point of the perspective that points in the direction of society’s failure to ascend to higher levels of intellectual awakening. Creativeness transcends all that has gone […]
Unfinished Dreams
As the age of my years have caught up the hopes and dreams I had when I was a young man so many have withered and died on that vine of many lost opportunities. Those bittersweet moments where time slipped away haunt me now. The weathered beaten wrinkles of this tired old face are constant […]
What Is So Bad About Corporal Punishment?
For the sake of my answer, I’m going to use the more commonly used word ‘spanking’ to describe the more broadly defined ‘corporal punishment’ or ‘physical punishment’. In an attempt to reduce rates of Child Abuse involving physical injury, 53 of the more socially sophisticated countries of the world have legislated bans on spanking. Given […]
How Different Languages in America Affected the Country’s Dialect
If you live and work inside the U.S., and particularly if you were born in this country, you probably don’t give much thought to the different dialects that exist within our borders. Although certain regional accents might be obvious – such as a Southern, Northeastern or Midwestern accent, for example — most of us would […]
We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident
History is an invaluable tool for if used wisely the lessons learned chances are history won’t repeat. But, too often it has been our own failure to not heed the lessons that history is supposed to teach us. Today, we find ourselves on the verge of yet another period when history is again playing out […]
It Is High Time to Break Celebrity Monopoly, Needn’t We?
Enter the celluloid world. You will find many smiling faces who are successful in their career. Seeing their lifestyle in videos many may think, I too should become a film celebrity one day. But the moment a talented person tries to enter the film world, that person will understand how difficult are things. Many will […]
Stopping Veteran Suicide – A Viable Approach to Identification, Assessment, and Intervention
If, perchance, millions of honorably discharged American veterans, former soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors, came to discover, during the first decade of the 20th Century, that lies and deceit perpetrated by the federal government had resulted in them being persuaded to enlist in the various branches of the U.S. military in the months and years […]
Spartan Creed for Every Deed
Spartan creed for every deed suggests the duty, discipline and devotion for the ultimate quest of the personal mission. For an ethical framework by which life is a meaningful experience in every aspect, the free will choice is in the purpose of individuation. A code of ethics is a private selection. For a few, who […]
The Hour Glass In Time
Everyday lives can be summed up like sand flowing down through the hour glass. The hour glass of life where the experiences of our days shape who you ought to be, what you can be, who you will be and who you really are. Through the years I have tasted caviar, and eaten humble pie. […]
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