Bakery Products – The Amalgamation of Indulgence, Convenience, and Westernization
The history of bakery products dates back to the Roman Empire, from where these products have attained phenomenal transformation. The baked goods, which were delicacies during feasts and weddings, have now occupied the shelves and storage of almost every household. The subsistence-focused baking that was prominent during the medieval period has essentially occupied a choice-based […]
Famous Foods for Famous People
The Stage Deli, an institution in New York City, was famous for its sandwiches named after celebrities. Sadly, those mile-high sandwiches have disappeared along with the closing of the Deli. But for a lucky few, whose memory lives on in the form of famous dishes, here are some of the more popular, familiar to all. […]
7 Negative Effects of GMO Foods
What is a GMO? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms or Genetically Engineered. It is the process of taking genes from one species and forcing them into the genes of another species. The inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and virus. Why is this being done? It’s to benefit the chemical companies so […]
The First Celebrity Chefs
Bartolomeo Scappi: A Renaissance Italian author and cook (circa 1500 – 1570), his birthplace is debated, as both Italy and France play tug-of-war; but no matter his humble beginnings, Scappi had the distinction of cooking for six popes, serving up dishes in the Vatican kitchens while Michelangelo was laboriously painting the Sistine Chapel (yes, but […]
The Way to Health Through a Diet
There has been so many issues pertaining to the food we eat, whether we are eating healthy or putting poison in our stomach. This has become particularly imperative in the wake of genetically modified foods that are gracing our dining tables and cross border diets engendered by the emergence of a global village. Other issues […]
Colonial Foodies
Some popular colonial foods have mercifully disappeared from American cuisine, namely stewed swan, eel pie, roasted beaver tail, (would I make that up?) calf’s foot jelly, oyster ice cream, and whale bile (we won’t even go there). And as America grew its population, different immigrants brought their own foods, adding to the developing cuisines. Adventurous […]
Dry Fruits You Should Add To Your Diet To Stay Healthy
Dry Fruits are unquestionably the rich source of protein, vitamin, mineral and dietary fibre. It’s a healthy substitute for a high-calorie snack, therefore munching them is advisable to a toddler to old age people, everyone. Dry Fruits are life and everyone should incorporate them into their daily routine to fight against a number of health […]
We’ve Gone Bananas
Bananas (the Musa species) are native to tropical southern Asia and Australia, and most likely were first domesticated in Papua, New Guinea. Currently, they are grown in over 130 countries, primarily for their fruit, but in some countries are used for alcoholic beverages and ornamental plants. The largest producers of bananas in 2016 were India […]
Just Peachy
Like so many fruits, the first peaches were discovered in China during the 10th century BC, and, thanks to early explorers and trade routes, found their way to Persia (now Iran) and ancient Egypt. After showing up in Greece and Italy, they made their way to the city of Marseille, a large port town in […]
6 Reasons to Eat Home-Cooked Food More Often
Read on to Find out Why You should Eat Home-Cooked Food Thanks to our increasingly hectic lifestyle, eating has become one of the lesser priorities in life. For example, we eat only when we are meeting someone in a lavish restaurant or snack mindlessly while watching a movie. When was the last time you took […]