Preventing Fleas and Heartworms From Effecting Pets
Heartworms and fleas are parasites that can result in critical problems in pets. The good news is that it is now possible to prevent these parasites by utilizing safe, effective and easy-to-administer treatments. It is a well-known fact that heartworm disease can damage the lungs, heart, and other related blood vessels. This disease is spread […]
How to Remove Pet Hairs
Pets drop their hairs constantly and they shed out everywhere in the house. These small hairs can be very annoying when they go deep into clothing, couches, carpet and furniture. It is not just unpleasant in appearance, pet hairs are actually one of the sources of various kind of respiratory allergies. They have awful impact […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet
Thinking of having a puppy that wags its tails and runs to you joyfully at your every beck and call? Or, thinking of having that cute little ball of fur called a kitten running about playfully in your house? Thinking about going to the nearby pet store to buy one? Stop your pet search then […]
A Handy Checklist for Your Pet Sitter
If you are planning to go out of town for a weekend getaway or for a much longer vacation and are not able to take your pet along. The best thing is to ensure that during your absence your pet’s stay is enjoyable and easy as much as possible. You can do this by hiring […]
Walking With Buddy
During my one year stay in north Alabama, I had little in the way of finding things with which to be happy. I had a wife who whined from day light to dark. I was about 400 miles from home and I was surrounded by in-laws. I had been warned by family and friends about […]
Cat Vs Dog – Which Is Right for You?
Choosing between a cat and a dog isn’t always a straightforward process. In short, cats are generally cheaper to own and easier to care for because of their independent nature, while dogs are more social creatures, but require a lot more money, attention and time. Here are a few things to consider before introducing a […]
Seven Money-Saving Tips for Affordable Pet Care
You want to keep your Fido happy and healthy as always. Isn’t it true? Right. But spending at arm’s length may be also not possible for you. And, you are always on the run to save few bucks wherever possible. As per the data collected from different sources, the estimated expenditure of every pet owner […]
Tips To Organize Living With Multiple Pets
A family with a lot of furry members is really a heavenly abode with lots of enjoyment every day. However, with it comes – greater responsibilities, as the pet family requires lot of care and efforts to keep them all fit and fine, maintaining their overall wellbeing. Whether you have to take care of two […]
Animals in Distress: They Are Stilling Suffering
A few days ago a beautiful small female dog was brought to a precinct scared and shivering. A good Samaritan witnessed the dog being abused by youngsters in a park and brought her to the nearest precinct. They were kicking her and bullying her. It was heartbreaking to see the tears in the dog’s eyes […]
Four Signs It’s Time to Change Pet Food
Sometimes a pet displays signs of poor health that aren’t necessarily related to a disease or illness. When this happens, changing pet food may be a good way to ensure that they’re getting the proper nutrients. Here are common indicators that it may be time for a change. Flaky or Dull Coat Just like fatty […]