Your Silence Is Deafening: How to Create INSTANT MAGIC With a Few Simple Words
Allow me to take you on a brief journey that demonstrates why communication is so important if you want to engage and keep loyal customers and employees. I’m at the airport, standing in line, waiting for my turn to order a much-needed cup of coffee at 6:10 a.m. I make my way to the counter […]
The Potential Of Connecting With People
I have known several leaders who believe, “The minute I climb up the ladder, I can do things my way because people will have to listen to me.” This is so dangerous. The truth is that your ultimate success is more likely to depend on your ability to build relationships with people. The damage that […]
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Well, Elton John certainly got that right. “Sorry” seems to be the hardest word for many people. In fact, it seems more difficult in some parts of the world than others. It’s something that has bothered me for the longest time. So much so, especially recently, that I have to put pen to paper – […]
Kiss As Human Communication
HUMAN beings at times can communicate through signs and gestures in a relationship especially between a man and woman through deep stare into each other’s eyes. The art of love and kiss is important in any relationship and if given space can amount to certain chemistry that ignites the flames of love. We sometimes communicate […]
This Is How To Exploit The Principle Of Leverage To Your Advantage
It was Archimedes who said, “Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and single-handed, I can move the world.” And Sir Isaac Newton famously said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants”. Used mostly in finance to express the relationship between debt and equity, […]
Americas Blessing of Freedom & Hope
Where is your family from and why did they come to America Have you ever visited the communist countries of China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, or Vietnam? I’ve had the honor of traveling to many parts of the world, and fell in love with the people of nearly every country. My heart broke for those who […]
Great Leaders Are Continuous Learners
How do you start your day on the right note? You have a choice. How do you handle a difficult situation? What can you do every day to learn from other leaders? Imagine you were driving a new car on a chilly winter day. Life is grand… until a rusted out Suburban smashes into your […]
Ways to Get Your Child Involved in Serving in Their Community
The best way to instill a commitment to service is to start at home. Encouraging small acts of kindness, like helping a family member who has had a rough day or caring for a pet, can teach even the smallest children the power of caring. As children grow, you can help them develop empathy and […]
Don’t Let Technology Surpass You – Stay Ahead of the Competition
Things have changed so much over the years. Earlier, people used to visit restaurants to catch up with friends and enjoy the food. But nowadays, technology has changed many things, including human. Even when we are sitting with our loved once, we keep checking our phones because somewhere technology has overtaken our emotions. According to […]
How to Handle Competition Within Your Team?
We have all heard that “life isn’t a competition”, but do we actually believe that? At every stage of life, we face competition, whether in personal life or professional life. Competition in the workplace is unavoidable, and in fact, it’s valuable. An associate professor at the Henry Kendall College of Arts & Sciences, Bradley J. […]
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