Thanks to Cloud Computing, Mobile Device Management Is Here to Stay
Cloud computing is creating vast opportunities for mobile apps development for the mobile workforce. How are businesses responding to this? Digital technologies, mobile devices, and services available on 24/7 have changed the work culture of yesteryear’s. Customers are mobile and want services on their devices. Therefore, employees in organizations are also mobile. They need access […]
Learn How to Prevent Laptop Overheating – Keep Your Laptop Cool
If you have your laptop working for hours on end or use powerful software such as editing programs and design software then you can definitely expect a Little additional heat to come through your computer. Operating a laptop at very high temperatures for long periods of time can lead to failed hardware components such as […]
Android Vs IOS App Development in Singapore
It is not surprising that Singapore businesses opt for a mobile-first strategy as APAC reported over 50% smartphone penetration in the country last year. It claimed that the average smartphone user in Singapore had around 40 apps installed at a time on their smartphone. Most of these apps belong to the social media category as […]
What Are The Best Laptops For Designers?
What are the best laptops for graphic designers? No such thing as a laptop that’s best for any particular task. Some laptops excel at a variety of related demanding tasks. When you’re thinking about design, you’re thinking about Photoshop, Illustrator or CAD software. The Adobe Suite is perhaps the most popular. It’s a powerful design […]
Why A Customized Android App Is Better Than A Ready-Made Solution
In today’s market, business owners are increasingly becoming concerned about the fact that one size fits all packaged software is not the best and complete solution for every business. Since the requirements of every business are different, it is very difficult to choose one single product that can accommodate multiple needs simultaneously. Custom business apps […]
Why Do a Number of Businesses Prefer Native Apps?
Native apps have their own charm because they offer enough speed and performance for businesses to take advantage of. Well, there was a time when businesses shifted their preferences from native apps to web apps because web apps did not need separate coding for various platforms. These apps were however slow and did not have […]
6 Tips to Boost the Speed of Your Mobile Phone
Smartphones are no different from computers when it comes to maintenance and long-term performance. Just like a desktop computer, a smartphone especially Android and iOS phones also goes through a diminished performance after being used for a long time. Mobile operating systems also get clunky the longer you use them, just like a computer’s. On […]
5 Characteristics of a Great Business Mobile Application
Over the past few years, the mobile application market has dramatically increased. A business appears to be incomplete without a website or a mobile app. Some of the businesses, like online stores or fast food chains, are mostly run by the internet and mobile applications. A masterfully developed smartphone application which possesses all the fundamental […]
Mobile App Branding – How To Build a Good Mobile App Branding
We are living exciting days where the most people are having answers to all type of questions at their fingertips. Unusual as it was several years ago, our society is now facing changes in different stages, among others, learning, getting things done or taking decisions are usually influenced by any nearest device they have around. […]
All You Want to Know About SHM
What Does SMH Mean?Acronyms have grown popular since the social media opened chats and social networking became common, as people prefer to use many different acronyms to express themselves in a better manner. And when you are the one using online messages or chats, then you must have come across the acronym ‘SMH’ and wondered […]
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