How To Grow Food In Your Garden, The Quick And Easy Way

Everyone love fresh vegetables and fruit, and it's even more exciting when you've grown it yourself, there's a sense of achievement, not to mention yummy fresh vegetables on your plate.

The problem always comes with the amount of time you have to invest to reap the rewards, sometime you begin to wonder if it's worth it at all. Think about it, you have to:

Prepare the ground

Buy the Seed

Sow the Seed


Water and Feed


Protect from bugs and birds


Surely it's much easier to just go and buy the stuff from the supermarket - well yes that is easier but it doesn't taste quite as good, also you can't just decide you suddenly need a tomato and have one right there - often with cooking you have to plan ahead to shop for the ingredients.

Growing your own fruit and vegetables is like having an extra pantry outside, totally fresh.

But what about all that work you say - well what if you didn't have to do it - what if most of it just happened. I've been growing my own fruit and veg for years and I always find the less I try the better my crops turn out.

In Fact by far the better tomato plants are those that have germinated themselves - a tomato drops from the plant, gets mulched into the soil naturally and before you know it - you get a whole new tomato plant - no effort, maximum reward.

So what if there was a method of growing food that was reliable, produced an abundance and was easy to understand - well, you'd want to know about it wouldn't you.

I've managed to grow tomato, runner bean and potatoes without even planting them first. Recently I picked my row of peas, dried out any that had gone too far and then planted them again, they are now producing another whole row of delicious peas for me to have at my table anytime I want - how's that for recycling!!

I don't seem to be the only person who's cottoned on to this idea either