Interview Preparation Tips

The resume may get you an interview but the impression you make during the interview process will decide whether you are offered a position. The following tips have been compiled to assist you during the interview phase of the selection process.

Remember your attitude will come across during interview and Recruiters can ascertain a great deal of information from physical gestures and body language.

*Research the position and company. It will be evident to the recruiter if you have little knowledge of the functions. This includes knowledge of the company functions and stake within the particular market. The position (with particular reference to the description) needs to be researched thoroughly in order to answer exactly why you chose to apply for the particular job.

*Prepare yourself for the tough questions. This means be prepared to study prior to entering the interview. There is little point in attending the interview and attempting to answer questions without being properly prepared. The majority of interview questions are able to be predicted to a certain degree. Your response needs to be natural but at the same time you need to show you have the skills and experience to complete the functions of the position.

*Outline your experience when answering the question. Questions come in many forms including probing questions (Why do you wish to work for the company?), background questions (Tell us about yourself) and scenario based questions. In all of these you have the opportunity to promote yourself above the other applicants. Having researched the position and company, and being ready mentally and physically for the interview you are prepared for this opportunity.

*When answering include what you have done as an example in the answer. Your answer should ideally fit around the personal requirements and description of the position. Do not exaggerate your accomplishments, list them naturally. This demonstrates you are prepared for all scenarios and can adapt easily.

*Check your personal grooming - ensure you are presentable as first impressions do count and dress for the occasion. As part of your research you would have identified the type of clothing typically worn in the particular occupation sought and the type that should be worn in the interview situation. Grooming can also include personal grooming (haircut, facial hair, and nails). Presenting yourself in the best possible way also enhances your personal confidence allowing you to relax and be positive in the interview.

*Be punctual - confirm the time and place where the interview is to be conducted. Be organized and arrive with enough time to settle the nerves. If possible visit the area prior to the interview to gain some familiarity with the surroundings. Be aware where the nearest toilets are as sometimes interviewees can be kept waiting for some time after their allotted interview time.

*Ensure you have sufficient rest on the eve of the interview - it is better to get up earlier to prepare than to work longer through the night. *Ensure you have eaten prior to attending the interview as you may be left waiting and this will assist your concentration during the process.

*Greet the recruiter or panel confidently and politely. Practice this beforehand a number of times. Do not be overly familiar; present a professional and confident image that allows the recruiter to observe your demeanor in a positive light.

*Listen to the question, think through your response and answer in a confident and concise manner. The questions are not designed to trick you in any way. They are designed to illicit a response from each applicant allowing the recruiter or panel to observe you under some pressure. They are also probing for the best possible response, this is where your preparation gives you the advantage.

*Be honest and truthful in your answers. Recruiters usually have extensive experience and are likely to expose any exaggerations or untruths told during interview. It is beneficial to you to present any of your experiences as they happened in a concise manner whilst explaining the relevance to the question and the position description.

*Relax and be yourself. This is important - do not succumb to the trap of presenting a front or something you think the recruiter is looking for. If you have prepared yourself mentally and physically then you are ready to do your best and that is all you can ask of yourself.

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