Worlds Simplest and Most Successful Job Application Strategy

Today I hope to enlighten you on the world's simplest and most successful job Application strategy. Here it is:

  1. Know who you are, and what you offer in terms of Skills, Qualifications and Experiences (SQE).....
  2. Know ideally what you would like to do next. Note down how much you need to make to live. Write it all down - no need to create a CV yet!
  3. Test whether any employer wants those skills, qualifications and experiences? If not, go back to step2
  4. If yes, would applying in one area over another pay you more? Is this more than the amount in step2? If not, go back to step2
  5. Communicate your suitability for such a job in a draft CV - you will need to adjust this for each job application
  6. Find some jobs to apply for: quickest but least successful way is via jobs boards (can be almost immediate, 12% success); most successful is networking (average is 4 weeks, 35% chances of success)
  7. Everything you need to get to the job interview is written in the job advert! But to be a more successful job applicant research the company
  8. Adjust your whole job application so that when the employer asks in the job advert for SQE combination A through E, your Cover Letter and CV confirms that you have those SQE in that order. Honest, don't worry about whether you came first or second in highland dancing in school, unless its one of those SQE most employers don't care
  9. In the job interview, show direct application of your skills in actually doing that job. Past experience counts for assurance of delivery, but employers employ on direct application of your SQE to their job
  10. Bask in the glory of being a successful job seeker. Just don't go and buy the celebratory Porsche or the Jimmy Choo's just yet!

So if a 5year old could successfully apply this, why can't the average job seeker at present? They clearly can't, because the average job seeker presently spends on average 27weeks job seeking, which costs them on average $350/£250 per week. So the average job search presently costs $10,000/£6,750 on top of paying for the mortgage, gas, electric, food, etc.

Why your Job Application was rejected?

Here's the worlds simplest diagnosis of why most job seekers presently take 27weeks in their job search: they start with step 6! They then don't do anything more within step7 than read the job title and the pay level, before updating an old CV and jumping all of step8. The resultant rejection leaves them wondering why they didn't get to step9? They were right for the job, the title was equivalent or better than their present job, as was the pay, and yet - they got rejected! Why?

The thing a 5 year old does better than a 50 year old is learn. Most often because they listen, but always because they read. True, they lack the ability to apply or the experience to read subtleties within the human environment, but they read very well. Too well actually, as they can't make out the distinction between make-believe and real: it takes an 8 year old's brain and experience to do that.

Job Application lesson

Most 5 year old's haven't taken an exam, but if they did they would do very well. A job application is simply an exam: question posed, answer given, marks of out ten awarded - or in this case, job offers made or rejection letters sent.

The key skill of a job seeker once they reach the job interview, is to show directly how immediate application of their SQE fulfills the job requirements in doing that job (today). It's like a simple cover letter:

You the employer wants = I claim to have in job application;

Show I have in job interview

By missing steps 1 through 5, when a recruiter or employer asks the job seeker "why do you want this job," they can't provide an answer with any more conviction that that of someone going through the job application motions. These job seekers don't think how they could apply their skills to that job, and hence there is sufficient doubt in the employers mind that they could do the job, they are therefore considered under skilled, and resultantly rejected.

Successful job seekers know who they are, what they offer, and why that job is right for them. As their job application story remains consistent and growing through their job application, they can show how they would do the job directly by applying their existing SQE in the job interview. It really is that simple.

Good Luck!

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