RC Car Racing – Great Tips To Prepare For The Race

The cheering crowds, the adrenaline rush and the mounting excitement say it all. Welcome to the world of RC car racing! RC cars are a fascinating hobby of many race car fans and many adults and children enjoy both on-road and off-road races. However, a lot of preparation goes into getting a RC car ready for the race.

First of all, select the tires for the RC racing car very wisely. Choose a tire that is suited to the road surface of the car race. You need to also select the best motor, size and maintenance suited to the race. Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis are popular choices for on-road races, and they are capable of great speeds. These are specific racing cars and need to be run on a smooth track for the best performance. Trucks and buggies may not perform well in terms of speed but they can be used on any kind of racing track including the roughest terrain.

The most popular RC cars are on-road vehicles that are commonly used for car racing.
These will run on paved roads, smooth surfaces and even on the streets. Off-road vehicles can be run on any terrain as they are truck-like vehicles that are very sturdy. The can easily handle all kinds of uneven terrain and ramp jumps. Off -road vehicles are available in two wheel or four wheel drive with electric or nitro engines.

The RC car comes in two sizes, namely, 1/8 and 1/10 scale. The 1/10 scale is ideal for race cars and is the standard size for on-road RC cars. The 1/8th scale is popular with monster trucks and buggies and meant for off -road use. The best engine for a race car is a nitro powered one as it can reach the maximum speed of 70 mph. The high speed and acceleration is what makes these car engines ideal for racing.

Two wheel drive vehicles are less expensive and easier to maintain. But, good traction and handling is possible with a four wheel drive that makes it an ideal choice for races.
Maintenance is an important factor of any RC car. Ensure that the car parts like the air filter, header, clutch, differential and pull start cord are properly maintained so that they last long.

Once you have made your selection of the RC car that you will be using in the race, you are ready to face the challenge of car racing. Joining in the race will gain you experience and a lot of friends in the car racing world. Be sure to take the advice of the expert car racers you will meet, to get the best performance from your car. Participating in the races will give you the opportunity to see the latest models of RC race cars in action, and also provide you with the thrills of the game.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Abhishek_Agarwal/34694