Planning And Planting Your Flower Garden

A bouquet of flowers can brighten up your home. Likewise, a well stocked flower garden can add brightness and color to your lawn or garden. A well stocked flower garden can provide you with a colorful bouquet for your table or shelf, or a gift to brighten someone else's day.

First of all, you'll want a good location for your flower garden. Most flowers usually need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day, although there are some flowers that grow in more shady areas. You'll need to match the flowers to the amount of sunlight that the flower garden will receive. Your flower garden should also be easily accessible for watering, weeding, and cutting the flowers.

Annuals vs. Perennials

You'll need to decide whether you want to plant annuals or perennials in your garden, or a mix of both. Annuals, such as snapdragons, zinnias, and other flowers grow, bloom, and die off in one growing season. Perennials on the other hand can grow and bloom, year after year.

Fall Bulbs

Fall bulbs are those that are planted in the fall, such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. These bulbs are planted in the fall, and then grow and bloom early in the spring when the weather starts to warm up. The giant flowering onion is another good fall bulb, which is planted in the fall, and produces large purple flowers from early spring to mid-summer.

Spring Bulbs

Spring bulbs are planted in the early spring. Some of them are planted just before the last frost, while others are planted after the last frost. Bulbs such as Gladiolus are spring bulbs, meant to be planted as early as two weeks prior to the last frost. These bulbs can be planted every two weeks to provide flowers all summer. Spring bulbs produce flowers from the early summer until the first frost in autumn.


Flower seeds are readily available at your local garden center, or even occasionally in your grocery store. Seeds can be a cheap way of sowing a flower garden. Some seeds require that you start them in containers indoors before moving them outside, and some you can just start planting right in your flower garden. Just follow the instructions on the seed package.


Your local garden center will have a wide range of flowering plants that will do well in your area. If you want some instant color for your flower garden, buy plants that are blooming, or just about to bloom. Then every 2-4 weeks, you can go back to the garden center, and select a few more flowers that are blooming. This way, you'll have flowers blooming in your garden for the entire growing season.

Once you've chosen your location for your garden, and the plants that you want, you'll need to organize your garden. As you're planting, keep in mind how big the plants will be when they're full sized. You'll want the shorter plants in front, and the taller plants in back. You'll also want to keep in mind the colors of the flowers. You may want to group flowers of similar colors together, or you may want to plant contrasting plants near each other.

Growing cut flowers in your flower garden isn't difficult, but it does take some thinking and planning, and of course a bit of work. But the end result will be worth it. You'll have a healthy, colorful flowerbed, and cut flowers for bouquets all summer long.

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