How to Stay Motivated at Work When Challenged By an Emotional Issue

Waking up with a feeling of dread or apprehension, you can't quite put your finger on what feels wrong. You have a great deal to accomplish at work and yet you can't focus. Maybe you constantly replay scenarios in your head of something that has bothered you recently. You are mentally drained. What can you do to stay motivated at work when challenged by a highly charged issue?
How do you take the emotional charge out of the situation or thoughts you are having? Emotionally charged events and even thoughts about the possibility of a confrontation or challenge can sap even the heartiest of souls. In this state, concentration evades you unless you can break or change the tapes you play in your head. You must realistically assess the situation and take action on what you believe will ultimately help move things in a more positive direction.

First acknowledge how much control you actually have in the situation. In many cases we worry about the past over which we have no control. Similarly we also often fret about the future and imagine it to be far worse than ever plays out. If there is something that you actually have some ability to affect in the present, you have a place to begin. Any energy put into worrying about something that you have no ability to change, wastes your valuable time and energy. Just the act of acknowledging the fact that someone else has the responsibility can alleviate the sense of helplessness that we feel.

In addition you must trust that the people who are involved and over which you have no control will manage the situation in a capable manner. If need be at a later date, you can assess the situation again. If your assistance is welcomed, you have the option to advise or to help move things forward. Often we need to let people learn by experience. As with children, we give them "roots and wings" and then let them fly on their own.

Depression can be triggered by a feeling of impotence, lack of control or the inability to change a situation. Being aware of what you can or cannot do helps keep you in your power and permits you stay focused. By choosing a positive, proactive route when faced with this type of situation, you allow the other parties to grow and allow yourself the peace of mind to accomplish what you were meant to do.

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