Make Your New Boss Respect You – How to Handle a New Job and a New Boss

Changing jobs can be difficult and frustrating. One of the reasons is because you have to start your relationship with your new boss from scratch. There are ways you can mesh better with your new boss so you can get on with doing your actual job. The first thing you need to do is remember that you are at a new job so your boss does not know you. This is important to remember because it can be tempting to fall into a comfortable working style because that is what you did at your old job. However, your new boss does not know you yet, nor do you know the job yet, so you need to act as professionally as you can.

Another way to get your new boss to respect you is to go to him or her for constructive criticism. After a few weeks on the job, you need to make sure you are doing the job the way you are expected to do so. You will make a good impression with your boss if you take the initiative to see whether you are doing everything that is expected. They will see that you are devoted to succeeding in your new job. Just make sure that you do not get defensive if your new boss actually has criticism for you. This is not the way you want to start a relationship with your boss.

It also is a good idea to thank your boss after you have started the job. You most likely sent a thank you card or letter once you were given the job, but it also is nice to send one after you have worked there a few weeks. This actually could act as praise for your boss, which everyone needs a little bit of every once in a while. Another thing that leads to a good relationship with your new boss is having a positive attitude. Even if there are areas in your new job in which you are struggling or find stressful, you still want your boss to see you acting positively. If you do not, they might start to question their decision to hire you.

You also want to show your boss respect at all times. Even if you do not agree with something he or she says, you still want to respect their decision because they are above you. They will notice this respect and in turn respect you as well. In addition, you have to remember that you cannot expect your boss to like you immediately, or for you to like your boss immediately. You have to take time to get to know each other.

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