Decision Mistakes To Avoid When Changing Careers

One of the most important decisions in your life you will have to make besides buying a house and getting married is choosing your career. Most people choose their career before graduating from high school or while they are attending college. Whether you stay with the same career is another story. Unlike our parents, who stayed with the same job until they retired, it is more than likely that people today will make one, if not more, career changes during their life time.

You may be at a point in your life that you need, or would like, to make a career change. If this is you, make sure you use wise career change decision making in order to avoid huge mistakes before committing to a new job. Here are some mistakes that you can avoid before making that career change.

Make sure you have a plan. Landing a great job often takes time. Do a self-assessment so you know what job would be good for you. Include a scheme in your plan that involves research, finances, training, education, and especially time. You don't want to rush, taking the first job could get you right back into the same position as the job you're already in.

Do you Love-Hate your job? Is it your job you really hate or your career? Don't make the mistake of changing careers when you really hate your job, but love your career. Sometimes a change in jobs in the same field is all that is necessary to fix the problem. If you're sure you want to change careers, start a plan before you quit your job.

Is Money a Factor? If you're thinking about a career change because you can make more money in a different career, think again, you know the saying "money can't buy you happiness" well, this is very true. Changing careers just to make more money can leave you in another job that you hate just as much as your old one.

Feeling the Pressure. Are your friends and family trying to talk you into changing your career because they don't feel it's the right job for you? You know what you want in a career; changing careers for the wrong reason can lead to resentment and another career that you're not happy with.

Don't do it alone. If you've found a career that you would like to pursue, don't go into it blindly. You should create contacts that you can acquire information from about your new career. These contacts can lead you to job openings, associations in your field, or just be a mentor, giving you tips, to help you get started in your new career.

Skills and Education. Be sure to brush up on any new skills you might need to make a career change. Not knowing what you're doing can be a big mistake. It could cost you that new job that you want.