Are You Making Any of These Bath-Time Mistakes As a Pet Owner?

For the majority of human beings, going for a shower or bath is a calming experience. But for our pets it can be anything but unwinding. They always sprint around in the other direction of the tub when hearing the noise, the cleansing and suds. Grooming your pet is a necessity which not only keeps their coat healthy, but also reduces allergies and possibility of infection and lessens the spread of dirt and germs throughout your house. While your furry pal may resist to the idea of the bath, as a pet owner it is your task to make it as positive and easy-going as possible for your pet.

But never make these bath-time mistakes while bathing your pet:

Wrong Water Temperature

Pet owners make the mistake of either bathing their pet with too hot or too cold water. Instead, you should bath your pet with lukewarm water. As too hot or too cold water can create a negative stimulus that can make them resist taking a bath. So, how would you know it is the right temperature? Just spray the nozzle on your forearm and if you are fine with the temperature of the water, give bath to your fur baby. Remember, the pet’s skin is more sensitive to temperature than your hand.

Rough Spray

Use a hand-held spray or a nozzle in a tub or sink to bathe your furry pal. If you do not have one, spray the water jet directly on his fur since the loud noise of running water coupled with water pressure can frighten and upset your pet. First, let the water hit the back of your hand and then move the nozzle across the body of the pet. Once the pet is at ease wet the entire coat of the furry companion.

Selection Of The Wrong Shampoo

Never use human shampoo on your pet even if it is all natural solution or a mild baby shampoo. Remember, a pet’s skin has a distinct pH balance than humans, which would dry their skin. Hence, ask for a recommendation from your veterinarian and select the brands that are specifically formulated for dogs or cats. It has been observed that oatmeal-based shampoo is one of the smoother options. If your pet is undergoing any skin condition, then medicated shampoo is the best. Ask your veterinarian to help you choose the best fit for your pet according to his/her needs. If your pet has a sensitive skin then first run the trial of the shampoo on a spot on the back of the leg at first and then observe if the pet feels irritated after a couple of days before the bath.

Poor Application Of Soap

Apply soap on the fur of the pet and then let it soak in for a couple of minutes. But this will not get rid of all the dirt and oil. You need to actively knead the soap on the pet’s fur with your hands and fingers for four minutes. Commence from the legs of the pet and then move to their face. Clean their face with a cotton ball or wash-cloth, but be careful that the eyes are not disturbed.

Clean the outside part of the ear with a small bit of shampoo on your fingers, a bath linen or a cotton ball. Tilt the pet’s head down before rinsing so that the water does not go into their ear canal. It will also aid in preventing ear infections. Rinse the shampoo with shower nozzle by reversing the order in which you shampooed. Commence from the head of the pet this time and then move to their legs. This way, even if the soap gets into the eyes of the pet, it will get rinsed first. Ensure that the water runs clear of the studs before you finish.

Bathing Too Frequently

Dogs and cats naturally groom themselves. Hence, there is no need to bathe your furry pal more than once on a monthly basis. In fact, too many baths can actually strip off the natural oils from the coat of the pet which can result in skin irritation. Consult with your veterinarian about the best grooming schedule for your pet. Also ask them about the best shampoo according to the breed and activity level of your pet.

I own two dogs and a cat and regularly purchase pet shampoo for regular grooming purposes. I was researching on the topic of the different bath-time mistakes that pet owners make and came across some interesting pointers which I have discussed in this write-up.

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